
Life Passing MeStruggling with depression makes life miserable.

“I get so tired of pretending I’m OK when I’m not.” Jeri* has struggled with depression all her life.

“Nothing was ever good enough.” Her dad, whom she adored, killed himself, and her mom and siblings blamed her. Her first husband died in a tragic accident, and her second husband keeps spending all their money.

Now 48 years old, Jeri has two grown children who don’t talk to her unless they want something, usually money or a babysitter for the grandkids. She loves the grandkids, but they are so loud and argumentative. She constantly struggles to stay afloat financially and mentally. “Most days, I just exist.”

Her husband expresses disgust. “Get over it. It’s not that bad. Worse things have happened to others, and they don’t act like you do.” So, she puts on her happy face and acts like she is fine, but inside, she feels resentful, angry, hurt, and saddened.

HopeThis deep sadness is unexplainable.

It feels like the waves of the ocean crashing on your head repeatedly. Just as you catch your breath, depression crashes over you again. You know there’s no point in even trying anymore. When it does seem to lighten up a bit, you can’t enjoy it because you know something terrible is just around the corner. So, you brace yourself.

Exhausted and overwhelmed, you want to stay in bed. When you’re asleep, you don’t have to think about anything. Thinking hurts your brain, and it takes up too much energy. Once, you used to be able to get angry. At least that was an emotion – but getting angry takes too much energy now.

Now, there is just numbness, emptiness, and darkness. You don’t want to die. You just want it to be different. But how? You’ve tried therapy before. It didn’t seem to work. You felt better for a while, but the darkness keeps returning.

Do any of these sound like you? If so, this is depression. You want to get up and enjoy life but don’t have what it takes. So, you pretend until you can’t pretend anymore. You smile until you can’t. You just exist, going through the motions when you can and feeling nothing inside.

Every emotion has a story to tell.

– K. Tolnoe

HopeBut – there is hope.

Some depression is not easy to resolve without the help of therapy. While we work together, we will delve into what is the cause of your depression. For instance, Jeri had experiences that impacted her life and are the potential causes of her persistent depression.

Once we identify the causes of your depression, we work together to help you develop skills that will allow you to address your symptoms and the problems depression causes.

As a therapist with experience helping people deal with depression, I can help. Tell me your story. You are not alone. Reach down inside and find the energy one more time.

Make that call for help today.

*Name and story are composite narratives and do not reflect an actual client.