Panic attacks three times a day!!!
When Sheila* first came to see me, she was having panic attacks three times a day. She had grown up in an abusive home, was molested by several cousins, and divorced from her first husband due to his mental abuse of her.
Sheila’s body system was always on high alert, watching for the next “big thing.” Her internal messages were of self-loathing, worthlessness, and that she was ugly.
Using Brainspotting, we began gently processing all those hard memories. Today, she can proudly say she is whole, happy, and worthy, with no panic attacks in over a year.
What is Brainspotting?
Brainspotting is a leading treatment for all types of traumas, whether “big” (like abuse, sexual assault, sudden death, injury, witnessing a horrific event) or “little” (such as being yelled at, talked down to, bullied).
Sometimes, you may not know what is bothering you – only something is wrong. Brainspotting can help remove those obstacles.
When it comes to knowing how to use Brainspotting, it is best to think of the therapy session as locating a corrupt file on a patient’s computer. When you run a software program to debug the corrupt file, it will re-save as another complete file that no longer threatens the computer system.
Your brain functions the same way as the computer. Even though there is a corrupt file, you undergo therapy to convert it into a harmless document that does no more harm.
Research shows that during processing, the brain literally begins to rewire itself, so the incident(s) no longer has power over you. It is truly exhilarating to watch someone who has lived with intense anxiety and panic for years become free of fear and hurt.
What kinds of things does Brainspotting help?
Besides trauma, panic, and anxiety, brainspotting can help with phobias, grief and loss, depression, self-esteem issues, social anxiety, and so much more.
I have used it for over 15 years, and the smile that slowly spreads across a client’s face as they start healing is so worthwhile! I’ve used this processing to help law enforcement officers, war veterans, abuse victims, as well as those who feel the deep wound of never hearing a parent say, “I love you” or feeling “less than.”
And, I have personally experienced Brainspotting with much success.
Are you ready to move forward?
If you are ready to get on with your life and find contentment, call me at (615) 323-0573 for your free 15-minute consultation.
*Name and story are composite narratives and do not reflect an actual client.