Online (or Virtual Therapy) has benefits.
The distance factor can be problematic. Sometimes, the right therapist is across the state or too far for driving comfort. With online therapy, you can receive help from a remote location. I have a license to practice in Tennessee and Kentucky, which makes it easier for you to access therapy if you live in a remote area.
For others, it is about convenience. Working online makes it easier to coordinate a time around your lunch hour or work and school responsibilities by helping you work around these demands without neglecting anything. Sometimes, your family responsibilities make it difficult to get to an office. Online therapy makes it happen if you don’t have access to reliable transportation!
When the weather is inclement, therapy can continue without undue burden. You may not like to drive in the rain, snow, or dark. You may have developed a fear of driving – with virtual therapy, you can still get the help you need.
You may feel anxious about meeting someone face-to-face while discussing your deepest needs. That can be scary, and online helps calm those fears as you are in the safety of your home. Health issues may keep you from the needed help, making it complicated. Online therapy offers you help in the comfort of your home.
You wonder, “Is online therapy really helpful?”
Will working online be as personal as in-person therapy?
Research shows that virtual therapy is just as effective as in-person therapy. I have found that most people don’t notice the difference between in-person and online therapy after the initial session.
The requirements are minimal. All you need is a reliable Internet source and the ability to communicate via phone, laptop, or desktop computer. I use a HIPPA-compliant platform to help ensure confidentiality. However, I recommend selecting a space that provides privacy during our meetings. Then, you log on to the site, and our session can begin.
Whether you choose in-office or online appointments, I can meet your needs. So, call me today, and let’s start your journey to a happier you.