“I can’t get over it.”
“Getting over” an “incident” or a lifetime of incidents seems next to impossible.
Even little things trigger you, making you fearful or ashamed.
It intrudes into your thoughts, dreams, relationships, and everything else.
Sometimes, you distract yourself through drinking, abusing substances, overeating, or working all the time. But those distractions only work for a minute; then it’s back to Square One!
Here’s Bill’s experience with EMDR.
“I kept struggling to deal with my wife’s infidelity. She said she was sorry, and we went to marriage counseling, but I couldn’t quit thinking about it.
I constantly checked on her and questioned her. She was trying to help, but I couldn’t let it go.
After one EMDR session, I felt all the anger, hurt, and bitterness leaving my brain and body. It was weird, and I knew it would return, but it didn’t. I had several more sessions to finish taking care of things. It was truly amazing.”
EMDR can help stop the madness!
EMDR is a leading treatment for trauma. Therapists use it to treat all types of traumas. The experience with EMDR is like what happens during REM sleep – helping you see distressing situations less stressfully.
Many people describe the experience as feeling like it was long ago and “kind of foggy.” One client noted, “I can’t recall all the details like I used to, and it no longer bothers me. Kinda like a bad dream I no longer remember.”
EMDR helps take those intrusive thoughts and memories and “makes them non-issues,” as another client put it. EMDR can also help treat phobias, abuse, PTSD, and other stressful and painful memories.
I like to use EMDR for people who have trouble with body awareness or are so anxious they can’t sit still.
It helps calm the mind and body while rewiring the brain to think more realistically, compassionately, and kindly toward oneself.
Move forward without anything hanging over you.
EMDR is a proven method for helping put negative experiences from the past where they belong, allowing you to reprocess those feelings into something positive.
As a therapist, I have seen many of my clients express the renewal they feel after letting go of their trauma.
If you are ready to let go for good and move forward, call me today at (615) 323-0573.
*Photo credit to Daniel Amen, MD, www.amenclinics.com