Parents, does this sound familiar?
“I swear, my child does things on purpose to make me want to scream. It’s exhausting. His room is a pigsty. Actually, pigs wouldn’t live in there. I’m sick of telling him to clean it up. All I do is yell and punish him; I feel so guilty.”
“She gets frustrated so easily; now, I always feel frustrated.”
“She is so disorganized – she spends more time looking for things than anything else! If she would just put things back where they belong.”
“Why can’t he be normal? He never does what he is supposed to do and does everything he isn’t supposed to do. Can’t he just be quiet? Does everything have to have a running commentary?”
The challenges never cease.
Sometimes, you worry that no one will like your child because they cause so much chaos. It makes you feel sad and helpless, causing you to agonize, “But what can I do?”
It seems like the school calls every day about something regarding your child’s behavior or performance. Frustrated you think, “If the school calls me one more time, I will scream.”
She is so loving and wonderful sometimes – you live for those moments. And then, she looks you straight in the eye and lies with the sweetest face.
Dealing with all this can make you feel like a failure as a parent. Everyone tells you to spank him more, but that never works. Nothing you do ever seems to work for more than a minute.
Kids with ADHD know how to push your buttons.
They push buttons we never even knew we had! Our other kids are OK, so what’s the problem? ADD (Attention-Deficit Disorder), more recently called ADHD (Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder), are real issues.
Unfortunately, we call everything ADD in today’s world when it may or may not be that. It’s depressing and stressful, and the whole house seems to be in an uproar. If you have more than one ADD kid, you know everything becomes quadrupled!
As someone who has lived in a house FULL of ADD kids, I know how it feels. I never wanted to be a “bad mom,” but I felt like it. And as a therapist, I’m supposed to know better, right? If only it were that easy.
So, I researched everything under the sun, trying to find answers. I failed some, succeeded some, and learned more than I ever wanted to.
Let me share that knowledge and experience.
As a therapist with personal and professional experience dealing with ADD children, I can walk with you on your journey through parenthood with your ADD child. Dealing with your determined, stressful, amazing, unique, loving, fabulous, trying kids can go smoother than my journey by utilizing my knowledge, experience, and support.
My work focuses only on the moms and dads – not the kiddos. But you will both be winners by giving you the tools to manage yourself and parent your child.
I love that saying in Forest Gump: “Life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you’re going to get.” The statement is so true with these kids. Chocolate with coconut (yuck), chocolate with cherries (yummy), and just plain chocolate are all part of Life. But no matter what, there is always chocolate, so it can’t be all bad, right?
Call me now at (615) 323-0573 for help on this fantastic journey with these shakers and movers of the world (ours, at least!).